Hi. My name's David, and I'm Director of User Experience at Lynda.com, where I lead a team of UX designers that are helping people around the world learn the skills they need to succeed and pursue their passions. I am also a Fellow at frog, a global product strategy and design firm. My books on design include Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills and Success by Design: The Essential Business Reference for Designers.
I've spoken at events such as SxSW, Interaction, UX London, and HOW Design Live, as well as taught at California College of the Arts and Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. My writing has appeared in FastCoDesign, TheAtlantic.com, A List Apart, Smashing Magazine, HOW, and many other periodicals.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my wife, the poet and writer Mary Paynter Sherwin. In my free time, I maintain the blog ChangeOrder at www.changeorderblog.com.
music, yoga, chocolate, anime, art, design, dreaming, cooking, writing, photography, jazz, meditation, rock climbing, novels, typography