Interaction 10: A Take-Home Quiz
February 12, 2010
Identify the following statements as True or False. Show your work.
- All design is the process of making experiences.
- The next economy is not a utopia. It is here today, growing in the framework of the old economy.
- We can optimize the stories that users tell themselves as they use a product.
- Interactive products that take on human qualities fail when the qualities sentience, intimacy, and personality fall into the uncanny valley.
- The future is tomorrow, not just an ideal outcome or fantasy world we should design for.
- No two individuals will have an identical experience.
- Search is a wicked problem.
- Interaction design can also be art.
- Physical spaces carry cognitive loads. (i.e. Ask, "What is the cognitive load of a street?")
- A customer experience can be defined and designed by mapping both the tangible and intangible portions of a provided service.
- We can add meaning to physical objects beyond what is tangible to users.
- We don't need to define user experience in order to measure it.
- Designers manipulate the audiences they are intended to influence.
- Designers have a responsibility for how they manipulate users.
- An experience cannot be built for someone… one has an experience, and that is experience is always unique.
- Almost all design disciplines are a facet of the discipline of interaction design.
- Polite interfaces garner praise.
- Consumerism isn't dead. But it needs to be.
- If [a designed artifact] is not ethical, it cannot be beautiful.
- Act like a design thinker, but think like a design activist.
- Usability metrics can't function as key performance indicators for your clients.
- All design is the process of evoking meaning.
- Do not consider people as passive users or consumers.
- Approach your designs from an impressionistic perspective.
- Always have a systems perspective when designing products or services.
- Instead of being a design leader, consider the importance of design influence—promoting design throughout your organization.
- Understanding emotion improves the experience of emotion.
- The future of our profession is the design of enabling systems.
- To be an interaction designer, you need to be: A. Born to hippie parents; B. Have (or verge upon) OCD tendencies; C. Possess a compulsive urge to fix broken things (not the same as OCD); D. Possess a sense of humility bordering on the pathological; E. Be shy or geeky, but methodically so; F. All of the above.
- Website copy is a monologue. It requires an authentic tone of voice to be effective.
- Clients don't see the invisible. It's hard for clients to acknowledge, prize, and value the intangible.
- Creating explorative, playful spaces moves users from passive to active engagement.
- Don't overthink what you design.
- Every crisis also provides an opportunity for meaningful change.
All quotes and paraphrased content from my notes and live tweets of speakers at the Interaction 10 Conference in Savannah, Georgia. Bonus points if you can identify whom said which statement.