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How Project Teams Actually Work: Six Insights to Help You Create Better Workplace Teams

"Following the Green" Presentation on Design Business with David Conrad

Interested in starting your own design business, but don't know how to do the "business" part? This comprehensive presentation covers how design studios make money, the ways design studios organize themselves to support making money, considerations for managing your studio's finances, and a method for creating your own studio operating model. Many of the tools and perspectives in this presentation were identified in collaboration with Design Commission, a successful design business headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

I delivered this presentation with David Conrad, Studio Manager and Co-Owner of Design Commission, as part of AIGA Seattle's "Design Business for Breakfast" series. Much of the information here was then included in my book Success by Design: The Essential Business Reference for Designers.

You can view the presentation on SlideShare and download the associated Excel spreadsheets here. Enjoy and may your business be successful!


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